THE ALLEGED SUICIDE NOTE Friday, June 17 While police are searching for O. J., Simpson friend Robert Kardashian reads the 700 word long letter Simpson has sent him before disappearing: To whom it may concern. First, everyone understand, I have nothing to do with Nicoleīs murder. I loved her. I always have and I always will. If we had a problem, itīs because I loved her so much. Recently we came to the understanding that for now we were not right for each other. At least for now. Despite our love we were different, and thatīs why we mutually agreed to go our seperate ways. It was tough splitting for a second time, but we both knew that it was for the best. Inside, I had no doubt that in the future we would be close friends or more. Unlike what has been written in the press, Nicole and I had a great relationship for most of our lives together. Like all long-term relationships, we had a few downs and ups. I took the heat New Yearīs 1989 because thatīs what I was supposed to do. I did not plead no contest for any other reason but to protect our privacy, and was advised it would end the press hype. I donīt want to belabor knocking the press but I canīt believe what is being said. Most of it is totally made up. I know you have a job to do but as a last wish, please, please, please leave my children in peace. Their lives will be tough enough. I want to send my love and thanks to all my friends. Iīm sorry I canīt name every one of you, especially A. C. Man, thanks for being in my life. The support and friendship I received from so many: Wayne Hughes, Lewis Markes, Frank Olson, Mark Packer, Bender, Bobby Kardashian. I wish we had spent more time together in recent years. My golfing buddies, Hoss, Alan Austin, Mike Craig, Bender, Wyler, Sandy, Jay, Donnie, thanks for all the fun. All my teammates over the years, Reggie, you were the soul of my pro career. Ahmad, I never stopped being proud of you. Marcus, youīve got a great lady in Catherine, donīt mess it up. Bobby Chandler, thanks for always being there. Skip and Cathy, I love you guys, without you I never would have made it through this far. Marguerite, thanks for the early years. We had some fun. Paula, what can I say? You are special. Iīm sorry Iīm not going to have, weīre not going to have our chance. God brought you to me, I now see. As I leave, youīll be in my thoughts. I think of my life and feel Iīve done most of the right things. So why do I end up like this? I canīt go on. No matter what the outcome, people will look and point. I canīt take that. I canīt subject my children to that. This way they can move on and go on with their lives. Please, of Iīve done anything worthwile in my life, let my kids live in peace from you, the press. Iīve had a good life. Iīm proud of how I lived. My mama taught me to do unto others. I treated people the way I wanted to be treated. Iīve always tried to be up and helpful, so why is this happening? Iīm sorry for the Goldman family. I know how much it hurts. Nicole and I had a good life together. All this press talk about a rocky relationship was no more than what every long-term relationship experiences. All her friends will confirm that I have been totally loving and understanding of what sheīs been going through. At times I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend but I loved her, make that clear to veryone. And I would take whatever it took to make it work. Donīt feel sorry for me. Iīve had a great life, great friends. Please think of the real O. J. and not this lost person. Thanks for making my life special. I hope I helped yourīs. Peace and love, O. J. END